WildStorm Comic Universe

As a rule, I would like to support and encourage the existing property’s that I enjoy.

To that extent, I have as my favorite fictional comic universe that created under the Image then DC imprint, that of WildStorm. It was a universe that was filled with three-dimensional characters, and a large amount of depth. The story’s intermingled, and the effects were long lasting.

How the WildStorm Universe Flows

I have created a style for myself that is simplistic, but allows for a large degree of variation, both in a 3d and a 2d medium. And I have taken it upon myself to render the characters throughout the WildStorm comics in my style.

To get myself into a good frame of mind, I was able to track down a hi-res version of a mid-ninteys convention poster, that contained almost all of the characters, pulling in from allot of different titles, and artists. I have started pulling it apart to have a nice visual of what is there to work with.

After looking at these characters, I went through and started to pull versions of their costumes that would be iconic or recognizable, from there it was a matter of adapting the designs for the stylized versions that I would be creating.

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